
The goal was to promote the new alcohol law: only 18+ can drink it. The target were their parents. So, alcohol is dangerous to the youngest. So, to them, drinking alcohol is something that should be completely off the table. In Portugal, to represent content (movies, TV shows, etc) that is for 18+, we use this symbol in the right upper corner. So we took advantage of that by simulating it through the mark left by a spilled glass of wine.

O objetivo foi comunicar aos pais de menores de 18 anos a nova lei: só é permitido beber a partir dos 18 anos.
O álcool é perigoso para os mais novos. Por isso, para eles, beber álcool deveria estar completamente fora da mesa. Assim, usámos o símbolo de TV +18 e adicionamos a forma de um marca de vinho.

Concept Filipe SJ & Martim Calado
Copy Martim Calado
Design Filipe SJ
Client Sicad

CCP SUB28 Awards Shortlist
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