
The arrows have 2 different meanings. One of them is friendship, which is not exactly what I meant but, unintentionally, translate the best part of me. The other one, the one I really meant, is “direction and strength”.It ends up explaining how I feel that work and life should be:

"Without direction and strength (and even friendship), your probability of failure increases".

Having said that, I had to arrange the other itens.VMP, for those who didn't notice yet, are the initials of my name, which is written in the circle (Victor Migliari Paschoal).

AD are the initials of “Art Director” (also written in the circle) and, of course, I was born in 1990 as I displayed down the arrows.

Why Black and White? I like it very simple. The art must say only what It’s supposed to say. Clean art, defines my favorite type of art.


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