
Real Spice branding @ Renata

The idea of Real Spice brand is to improve Portuguese real estate market attractiveness by taking professional pictures and make it more appealing to investors, tourists and local people. We determined that Real Spice’s purpose: ‘To impress’, was not only a valuable intention of the brand but also a slogan, which was decided to be fitted as a ‘spice’ of the logo.

We developed a concept, the principle of which was to combine two main key messages of the brand: photography and real estate. As a result, frame of the camera unites a brand name gathering it in a box, which symbolizes the structure of real estate – a place behind the walls and ceiling. To impress in the sphere of the brand is to take a good shot – that was the reason we chose a frame to stand for the slogan and for the purpose of the brand.

A more conservative color palette was introduced, reflecting Real Spice’s working model – B2B. Typography, layout was coordinated to provide an accurate identity, capable of capturing each detail to look like a real ‘spice’, which makes the right impression.


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Real Spice branding