
APP - Click Coruche @ Joana Fernandes


This project was about creating an app for a city called Coruche and it was made with the help of two more people, Mayhara Ferraz e Filipe Cortez.
Our main focal point was the tourists, so we decided to create a Virtual Tour Guide in order to help people explore and discover new places around the city, such as: restaurants, events, points of interest and generate a plan that will guide them throughout their staying.

The name of the app is ''Click Coruche''.

We also designed the logotype for the app. We combined 2 elements, an owl wich is a important elements for the city, and the symbol of a point that pops up in google maps.

To navigate the app, at the beginning you have to create a profile, where you can post your photos of the places you visited, buy tickets for the events...

When someone takes a picture of somewhere in the city, it will pop up a curiosity in their phone about the place that they may not know about.


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APP - Click Coruche