

Aniventure 2015:

- Best Action Video

Kita-Kon 2015:

- 1st Place Overall

- Best Action/Adventure Video

Oni-Con XII:

- 2nd Place Fast Action Editors Award

- 2nd Place Fast Action People's Award

Geefkest Montreal 2015:

- 1st Place Category X

- 2nd Place Best AMV Public's Choice


- Best Editing

Nihon Sekai 2015:

- 1st Place Overall

About this AMV:

Figment means "something that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their imagination."

The reason I used it as the title for the video is because the video is in part about chaos and the inability to manage what's currently going on, so in a way it is the process of trying to fix the chaos of a distorted reality that's currently going on in the brain.

It's 100% After Effects CS6

After Effects CS6 plugins I used for this video:

- Twixtor

- Video Copilot - Optical Flares

- Video Copilot - Twitch

- Magic Bullet Looks

- Trapcode Shine

- ReelSmart Motion Blur

Lossless 1080p 60fps download (236MB)


No Effects:

No Effects vs. Finished:


Recomenda as competências de Bruce Guerreiro

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