The Phoenician alphabet, called by convention the Proto-Canaanite alphabet for inscriptions older than around 1050 BC, is the oldest verified alphabet. The earliest known alphabetic (or "proto-alphabetic") inscriptions known is the so-called Proto-Sinaitic (or Proto-Canaanite) script sporadically attested in the Sinai and in Canaan in the late Middle and Late Bronze Age. The script was not widely used until the rise of new Semitic kingdoms in the 13th and 12th centuries BC. The Phoenician alphabet is a direct continuation of the "Proto-Canaanite" script of the Bronze Age collapse period.
Being the Phoenician alphabet the pillar for the development of other alphabets such as the Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic and Greek, it consequently led to the Latin alphabet. As I decided to use the initial letter of the course defined here for the creation of the symbol, in this case the letter "L" (Faculty of Letters), I chose to use it in its original shape (the analogous Phoenician way) - the lamed or lamedh, the symbol that corresponds to the twelfth letter of the Phoenician alphabet. Its direct meaning can be interpreted as a stimulus or incentive, and in a broader sense, it can even mean apprentice or student, which in this case perfectly reflects the ideal of college, teaching, education, encouraging the study, cultivation of mind, etc.
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