
Burger King - Fome de Bola @ Tiago Coelho

Burger King - Campanha Fome de Bola

To create a strong and legitimate association to the World Cup with a low budget, helping Burger King standout during this difficult period in which their main competitor was capitalizing heavily on their sponsorship.

Increasing average purchase by stimulating sales of Large Value Meals.

To complete all of these objectives, we used a starting point linked to the fact that the client wanted “more” - more notoriety, more sales, more product standout, more World Cup and more football. From this rationale we created the concept “Fome de Bola” (“Hunger for Football”) which is not only a known expression in Portugal but also expresses the client’s desire for delivering more. This concept also makes a harmonious and natural connection with the football universe.


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Burger King - Fome de Bola