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Segu Exports, is a Portuguese company that has the most high quality Portuguese products like wine, olive oil, honey and snails, to sell worldwide. The goal with this website is improving Segu Exports online digital presence. Trough a clean and beautiful design, they can show to clients and potential new ones, a bigger credibility of their business in order to sell more products thought the internet.


Check it yourself at



Year 2017

Created to Portugal

Client Segu Exports

Project by Pathfinders

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Recomenda as competências de Gonçalo Faria Branco

Recomenda as competências de Eduardo Morais Araújo

Comentários 2

  • Pedro Lobo
    Pedro Lobo
    Muito fixe o projeto e o site! Parabéns! Um dia junto-me a vocês numa viagem 😎
  • Pathfinders
    Muito obrigado Pedro. Vamos a isso, boas viagens e bom trabalho é o que se quer ;)

Entra na tua conta ou cria uma conta para comentar.

Segu Exports — Website

Segu Exports, is a Portuguese company that sells world wide, several high quality Portuguese products like wine, olive oil, honey and snails.