Tens projetos para desenvolver? Não adies.
Diz-nos o que precisas, recebe orçamentos e contrata o melhor profissional.

Dreams without borders

is a personal project developed

by Miriam Goméz Blanes

and designed by me.

The main objective of this project is to prove that we all share the same dreams.

The only difference lies within the resources that we have available to make them come true and how

society helps us (or not) in achieving that.To prove it, Miriam Blanes has been asking people in Bulgaria to choose a Dixit card (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixit_(card_game)) that represents where they would like to be in six months’ time. After that, they had to write about it. As a result of that there are more than 20 stories inside

this booklet.

They include the dreams of volunteers, Frontex officers, people who work in a social organization and last but not least some of the migrants in the detention center of Busmantsi (in Bulgaria).

The illustrations were adapted or inspired by the ones made by the migrants in Busmantsi - explaining the naïf style - most of them inspired by the Dixit Card they had chosen.

Made during our stay in Infinite Opportunities Association, during our EVS.

Read the full booklet in:



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Dreams without borders

Dreams without borders is a project developed by Miriam Goméz Blanes and designed by me, with the support of Infinite Opportunities Association and Caritas Sofia.