
Coyote Magazine - issue 27 illustrations @ Ana Soraia Santos Mendes

The illustrations below were made for an article in the online magazine Coyote the article

W H A T  W I L L  B E  

T H E  N E X T  L A D D E R  

O F  Y O U T H 

P A R T I C I P A T I O N ?

by Valentin Dupouey, published by the Council of Europe.

It reflects the topic of political and civic participation on this age, reflecting on how it is still perceived by old and new generations, and what should be the next steps in order to update itself to the demands of a modern society.  

Based on the article's idea “The classical reference point for participation is doubtlessly Hart’s famous “ladder” of youth participation but its unidimensional nature no longer captures fully the reality of youth participation (if it ever did).”. It represents a multidimensional ladder where all forms of participation are included, from social engagement on charity or petition websites and helping in a local NGO to the known act of voting.

Based on a graphic developed by the article's author, on the necessary resources for participation.

Based on the article idea “that there is a gap between theory, policy and practice at different levels when it comes to the future of youth participation”, bridged only by Youth Partnership.


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Coyote Magazine - issue 27 illustrations