

2018. Google

An immersive interactive experience that allows visitors to explore the spectacular earthquake damaged temples of Bagan though a WebGL tour.

Link to experience:


The project marks a new chapter for Google Arts & Culture, the first time they’ve put 3D heritage sites on the platform. Visitors to the site can discover three temples, discovering how innovative digital technology is enabling local people to preserve their heritage.

As well as WebGL walk-throughs of temples, interactive data visualisations, 360º film and more, users can explore the damaged temples through WebVR and Cardboard

This Lab Experiment offers an experimental WebVR feature available using Google Chrome and the HTC Vive. To use enjoy this feature, follow these short steps:

1. Confirm SteamVR and the HTC Vive are on and functioning correctly

2. Open Chrome and enter "chrome://flags" into browser

3. Enable the following flags:

- WebVR

- WebXR Device API

- WebXR orientation sensor device features

- Gamepad Extensions

4. Re-launch Chrome and open the Lab Experiment


WebGL,  3D,  Potree,  Javascript


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An immersive interactive experience that allows visitors to explore the spectacular earthquake damaged temples of Bagan though a WebGL tour.