
About the project

Life Berlengas is a nature conservation project funded by the LIFE Programme

of the European Commission and the Portuguese government’s Environmental

Fund, led by SPEA in partnership with Portuguese public bodies.

Life Berlengas App aims to contribute to the sustainable management of the

Special Protection Zone of Berlengas Islands, with the aim of conserving it’s

habitats, endemic plants and seabird populations.

AndroidTV screen and app setup @ Peniche Tourism Center 👇


Year 2019

Created to Portugal

Client SPEA

Design by Pathfinders

Developed by Pathfinders


Recomenda as competências de Eduardo Morais Araújo

Recomenda as competências de Gonçalo Faria Branco

Comentários 2

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Life Berlengas App

Life Berlengas é uma aplicação móvel desenhada e construída para Android e Android TV. Foi criado para informar e consciencializar sobre os habitats, plantas endêmicas e populações de aves marinhas na ilha das Berlengas.