
Anatomic Study - Rabbit's Abdominal cavity @ Mariana Aleixo

The digestion of rabbits, guinea pigs, most other rodents, and several other mammals has a unique aspect, and that is the formation of cecotropes. Through this special mechanism, these animals can receive more nutrition from what they eat. This digestive process is referred to as ‘cecotrophy,’ 'hindgut fermentation,’ 'coprophagy,’ or 'pseudorumination’.

Cecotropes, are the material resulting from the fermentation of food in the cecum. Cecotropes are nutrient-rich and are passed out of the body, like feces, but are reingested by the animal so the nutrients can be absorbed. Cecotropes have twice the protein, and half of the fiber of the typical hard fecal pellet. They also contain high levels of vitamin K and the B vitamins.


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Anatomic Study - Rabbit's Abdominal cavity