
4th REN Annual meeting

Event proposal

We wanted a strong message that would energize the audience and grew the ambition of overcoming the goals in the future. 

A concept that gives power and motivation to the REN teams and congratulates them on their success and trust them the future. 

An insight inspired by the REN culture that inspired us to create an image filled with energy and ambition. 

Surrounded by an organic and technological environment, just like REN, the image for the 4th Annual REN Meeting is drawn to represent: A solid and robust structure, represented by the inclusion of geometric shapes and a shape similar to a turbine in the background.

The volatility and fluidity of energy is represented by the color gradients and amorphous elements.

Proposal by: NIU - Brand Acativation

Art director/Designer: Paulo Fevereiro

Industrial Designer: João Raminhos


Recomenda as competências de Paulo Fevereiro

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REN - 4th Annual Meeting

An insight inspired by the REN culture that inspired us to create an image filled with energy and ambition. A concept that gives power and motivation to the REN teams and congratulates them on their success and trust them the future.