
Katy Perry Portugal @ Sara

Katy Perry Portugal was founded in March 2009, as a Blog. I immediately reached the Portuguese branch for Capitol record label to make it an official community in Portugal.

In 2011, with the Social Media boom, the Blog was extinct and Katy Perry Portugal migrated to Twitter and Facebook.

My job was to search and post all the news and information about tje artist in real time, manage the team and the community. I also did all the design for the pages and events.

Our audience is mainly Females from 13 to 25 years old, so we use a more layed back communication heavily relying on GIFs, memes and trends.

When Portugal National Team won the UEFA Euro 2016 we interacted with the Freanch page throughout the match, ending with the Champions post (shown above). This interacted helped with the page visibility, reaching other countries and raising the engagement and followers.

My last project as the account owner was creating a Discord room for all the portuguese speaking Katy Perry fans.


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Katy Perry Portugal