
AINDA SONHO | short film @ Mário André Silva

The main objective was to criticize a society polluted by the lack of compliance through a family, that is, our intention here is to show that while we want to change the system we live in, this system forged by the living standards of a society , never succeed alone, and also show that we all serve the masks as a defense, although much of society does not serve them (masks). Sometimes the despair created by the need to want to change something can be fatal.

This short depicts the daily life of a young man who is already in a state of submersion caused by the lack of freedom imposed by society and family. We came to the conclusion that the origin of the whole problem in question was manifested in the family. The family is the first to instill this process that develops throughout the child's growth. The mother has a protective role, sometimes too much, the parent has a controlling role, Brother an uncertain role. At the end of the short remains open, without knowing if the character really committed suicide or that all it is still a "dream". It is up to the spectator!

All the work in question was developed in collaboration with Duarte Monteiro and Miguel Moreira.


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AINDA SONHO | short film