
Ilustração - Ditados Populares Portugueses @ Sílvia Moura


This project was meant as an exercise to illustrate different portugese popular sayings. I tried not to convey the literal.meaning of the popular saying, but instead I tried to demonstrate an humorous situation where the saying can be used.  

Em casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau - 

Equivalent to Cobblers' children are worst shod. It's usually used when someone with a certain job or appearance doesn't meet your expectations 

(it may have both positive or negative conotations)

Para baixo, todos os santos ajudam - When going down, every saint is there to help you

It means that it's much easier walking down a street than going up.

Gaivotas em terra, tempestade no mar - Seagulls on land, a storm at sea

Sometimes you can prevent or prepare yourself for a bad situation, simply by being attentive to small signs of what's coming. 

You usually only see seagulls by the sea. If you see them far away from the coast, rain might be coming.

Entre marido e mulher não se mete a colher - Don't put a spoon between hunsband and wife

Equivalent to Don't go between the dog and the tree. 

Don't interfere on a couple's issues, they should know better than anyone else what's going on between them and probably don't need your advice.  

Quem feio ama bonito lhe parece - When you love an ugly person, they'll seem beautiful to you.

Equivalent to Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It means that everyone defines beauty differently and attraction is more than just looks. 

When you love someone even their worst features may seem perfect to you.

Boda molhada, boda abençoada - Wet wedding, blessed wedding

It's usually used to confort someone's whose wedding is on a rainy day. 

It means that the marriage can be a very happy one even if the wedding is ruined by rain.

FBAUP 2014


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Ilustração - Ditados Populares Portugueses