
International Reggae Poster Contest @ Rúben Pereira

Finalista do concurso "Fifth International Reggae Poster Contest" | N º62

Participação na exposição "The Art of Reggae Exhibition" | Kingston, Jamaica _ 2017

Participação na exposição "The Art of Reggae Exhibition" | Liverpool, Inglaterra _ 2017

Participação na exposição "The Art of Reggae Exhibition" | Ostróda Reggae Festival, Polónia _ 2017

Finalist of the contest "Fifth International Reggae Poster Contest" | No.62

Participation in the exhibition "The Art of Reggae Exhibition" | Kingston, Jamaica _ 2017

Participation in the exhibition "The Art of Reggae Exhibition" | Liverpool, England _ 2017

Participation in the exhibition "The Art of Reggae Exhibition" | Ostróda Reggae Festival, Poland _ 2017

3rd Place - Professional Category - International Reggae Poster Contest 2018 

See all the Winners here:  http://www.reggaepostercontest.com/news/irpc-announces-the-winners-of-the-6th-irpc/


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International Reggae Poster Contest