
desenrasca-te | consola - para TRINTA POR UMA LINHA @ Margarida Costa

produto desenvolvido para TRINTA POR UMA LINHA

The Trinta por uma linha, thought in another console to be in your hall or in the entrance to the bedrooms.
This new product has the peculiarity of not having legs, it has to be fixed to the wall and you'll never lose the space that is underneath it. You can save any type of objects, such as, wallets, letters, keys, etc, and the Desenrasca-te has two drawers, you can even store more personal and valuable objects, for example, watches, cellphones, money, jewelry, among others.
The Desenrasca-te can be product as you like, the Trinta always proposes as a options materials that represent Portugal, such as Pine, Wallnut, ect.
The Desenrasca-te will make your home, bigger, safer and quite pleasant.

produto comercializado em www.trintadesign.com


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desenrasca-te | consola - para TRINTA POR UMA LINHA