



In a highly visual culture, it is as difficult to communicate the nonvisual properties of spatial forms as to explain visuality to the blind. 
Marshall McLuhan




Myopia is understood as a clinical pathology of the eye field, characterized by the reduced capability of viewing at a distance. Due to a failure in the convergence of light, the image of distant objects is formed in front of the retina, rather than in the retina itself, resulting in a blurred vision, unlike objects that are close and normal vision prevails. This refractive disorder is associated with several genetic and environmental factors, as well as risk factors resulting from excessive contact with proximate focal points.

In a culture of unbridled consumption and entertainment, it is possible to establish a dichotomy between what is seen and how it is perceived. Deconstructing the notion of myopia implies analysing the obvious from a different perspective. In the absence of critical sense, it is difficult to circumscribe and analyse beyond what is observable, as it wouldn’t be impossible to establish a dichotomy between ocular myopia and the absence of critical discernment; we could also associate this phenomenon with genetics and cultural roots, in which consumption and entertainment have a preponderant influence.

The deconstruction of myopia involves analysing the power of visualization, which defines the nature of various communication media, but also understanding contextual implications. The growing dependence on technology creates a society with a vitiated vision. Television is the medium adopted by the agents of entertainment and consumption to establish a myopic relationship.

TV MAKES FOR MYOPIA is the conceptual basis for the formalization of a “correspondence object” which provides a more participative and visually expressive reading of a text written by Marshall McLuhan, presented in the work Understanding Media, in which he presents the distinction between Hot Media and Cool Media.




2016 ©
Developed by 
Ana Camões 
Flávio Bernardes 

All Rights Reserved


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