
Why did I decide to create another magazine about Design?

Because (I believe that) new ideas always lead to creativity and innovation.
DESIGN.IN, which I like to call “a magazine of fresh creativity” is an essay that aims at making known the most striking trends, serving as inspiration to all who are (or not) designers.

More than an Article...

When I wrote this article I thought that I needed to do something different from the common news that focus on what everyone is talking about. This is more than a simple article. It's a window to the frontier of innovation that should expand our minds with new possibilities and ideas.

The power of the Interview

Who could be more interesting when it comes to trends and change? What motivated me to choose a personality like Ross Lovegrove for the interview, was his approach to design. He is a visionary who’s work constantly tries to stimulate a "profound change in the world".

The Highlights

Every month I try to look for the best articles, exhibitions or books about Design, that we all should read. In this way, I decided to share with my readers a list of some highlights that I think we can't (and shouldn't) miss.


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