
What is love? According to the dictionary, it’s an affective bonding with others, usually also including a sexual connection; a great affection or strong affinity for another person; an intense feeling of attraction between two people.
Well, in all of these definitions it’s easy to understand that love only happens between two or more people but can we love anything else? Can we love a robot? The answer is yes. In fact, this is happening right now in Japan where the sex dolls industry is reaching a hole new level with artificially intelligent dolls. The dolls are almost perfect copies of humans and are capable of talking and fulfilling a needy person whether psychologically or physiologically. But can a robot love us?

In this project I researched for what a human being needs most to feel good and complete - to feel loved. Feelings like love, friendship and self esteem cannot be demonstrated by robots and no one should want that. 
So, the project is all about representing some feelings and emotions through sentences that a human person would say to a loved one but in this case, the sentences are said by a robot.


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