
PULSAR | Ceiling Lamp - Living Room @ Nuno Machado

Pulsars are neutron stars with the size of a city but with more mass than the sun itself. They are known as the “lighthouse” of the universe, as viewed from earth, pulsars create a flickering effect. They beautify and illuminate everything surrounding them.

Based on this iconic wonder, the Pulsar handmade ceiling lamp profoundly establishes one’s inner strength and outer brightness. With a half conical shape, it alternates layers of gold-plated discs and Swarovski crystals added by hand.

As the light shines through this unique ceiling lamp a majestic ambiance is created. It’s an illustrious addition to any space, that assures a harmonious interior decoration. Can be paired with modern furniture for a contemporary style, with retro features for a mid-century modern look or with other statement pieces for a glamorous art-deco interior design.


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PULSAR | Ceiling Lamp - Living Room