
Joyland - Abstraction & Movement @ Maria Vaz


Academic project for post-graduate course in Motion Design at ESAD.

It was given a list of objects/actions and i had to choose 4 of them to ilustrate and animate: toaster, lighting a lamp, popcorn and a ferry wheel.

I chose an abstract path because I did not want to represent objects in a literal way. So i came up with a theme that helped me with that path - scary amusement park.
So the neon light sign entrance (lighting a lamp), the big eye that sees everything (ferry wheel), the devil's house atraction with the jumping stairs (toaster) and the lucky room with the flying dices (popcorn).
I wanted a really simple, scary, mysterious and mystic atmosphere so i've based on a geometric, japanese style composed of lines, solid figures and typography.


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Joyland - Abstraction & Movement