
Pro.Mo Montepio Saúde @ fiandersen

Pro.Mo Montepio Saúde

Branding, Identity and Graphic Design.

Client: Montepio Geral – Associação Mutualista

The Association started a study amongst its +10000 associates in order to understand potential risk factors and behaviours to their health. The study needed naming, branding and several print media (questionnaires, consent forms, gift vouchers, envelopes, partner listings, etc) sent to associates and health partner institutions.

The Pro.Mo name consists in the combination of both PROMO (promotion in healthcare) and Montepio.
A signature was added: 'Better understanding for better caring'.

Newer versions of the logo were created to expand and narrow the study into the 3 main stages of child development: baby, child and teenager.


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Pro.Mo Montepio Saúde