Leonardo Da Vinci once said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” To create a sophisticated and timeless visual style, we used the basic geometric shape in our logo. Square is one the most fundamental shapes and is created by connecting 4 line segments. It represents the ecosystem of Super Agency (SA) which is composed of 3 other brands: Super Positive Experience (SPX), Super Hospitality (SH) and Super Corporate (SC). Together they form the shape of a square and represent a framework from which we want our clients to break out of, by taking them beyond the box.
Just like a SA logo, brands of SA ecosystem are designed by applying the same principle of using the basic square shape. All logos share exact design of typography with the same dash thickness. The dash inside the logo represents a side of the square which is necessary to build the shape. By coming together, these logos create another unified square.
Color Concept
The main colours of SA logo are black and white. The choice of these colours intends to represent SA ecosystem; the combination of the main colours of its brands (SPX-yellow, SH-blue, SC-red) creates black and the absence, in turn, creates white. Moreover, the mix of primary colours (yellow, blue, red) and neutral colours (black, white) creates the base for a rainbow, representing our mission of taking our clients beyond ordinary.
Este projecto foi desenvolvido para SUPER AGENCY, uma agencia criativa com base em Amsterdão, o desafio foi criar toda uma proposta de branding, desde logo ao website
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