
Baecon Gaming Group - Brand Identity

I'm here to show you my design project for BaeconGG. This is a Portuguese E-sports Organization where I'm one of the Founders and Graphic Designer. 

In this project you can check some of the work I’ve done so far and I’ll be sure to keeping it updated. 

All of this started with a logo and after that I just kept searching, discovering new things and creating more. Im responsible for visualizing and designing everything in this E-sports Team until now and I'm really happy about the result. 

I’m also gratefull because not only I’m the main Graphic Designer, but I really got to learn a lot from this project and now I’m able to do a lot of things by myself, for example all of the team merchandising. And this includes all of the print files for production. And I must say, every last bit of this merch was a challenge for the manufacturer but they did it, exactly as I designed it.

 I really hope you enjoy this project as much as I did designing it.

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BaeconGG - Brand Identity

Trabalho elaborado para a Baecon Gaming Group, equipa de Esports Portuguesa.