
BARCELONA | The City OFFF Design @ Diana Espadinha Cruz

▶ BARCELONA | The City OFFF Design

A Film by Diana Espadinha Cruz

This is my trip to Barcelona.

The City of the Arts with the best Design Festival in the world - OFFF Festival

It is a great pleasure and pride to be part of this wonderful family.

A three-day journey full of love, sharing, inspiration and creativity.

I agree! ... "... after OFFF Festival, nothing will ever be the same!" - OFFFTERLIFE

Thank you all! ...See you soon!

...Everything done by me! 

[Video Capture, Editing, Sound Design ...]

I hope you enjoy the video!

Watch Full Video On My Youtube Channel!


▶ BARCELONA | The City OFFF Design

A Film by Diana Espadinha Cruz

Watch Full Video On My Youtube Channel!


Diana Espadinha Cruz

#Barcelona #BCN #Spain #OFFF #OFFFFestival #OFFF19 #OFFFFestival2019 #DesignFestival #Design #ArtCreation #Art #Artist #Sharing #Creative #Criativity #Inspiration #CityOFFFArt #CityOfArt #VideoCapture #Film #Filmmaker #Video #VideoEditor #VideoEdit #VideoEditing #Edit #Postproduction #TheMagicOfCutting #Audio #SoundDesign #ArtOfEspadinha #dianaespadinhacruz

#Gmunk #DavidCarson #EdelRodriguez #ZbyHP #WillMacNeil #WhiteHouseLab #IvanCash #ueno. #Shotopop #SebastianHaslauer #MarinaWiller #Pentagram #GaryHustwit #RutgerPaulusse #RefikAnadol #REWIND #PlaymodesStudio #Ouchhh #AlessandroNovelli #NEWGOLD #MarinaEsmeraldo #ManvsMachine #Lobulo #LiorPinco #Wix #HugoHoppmann #KellyAnna #JustinBolognino #Joellesnaith #JessicaSanders #JamesVictore #IlyaRuderman #IlyaAbulkhanov #HandsomeFrank #GaryHustwit #FrankWilliamMillerJunior #CacheteJack #DavidMikula #Danielgoddmeyer #CraigBlack #ConradRoset #ChrisBjerre #CabezaPatata #Crowd #BoxofToysAudio #Tsto #Synchrodogs #Onionlab #SixNFive #MarianoPascual #Magoz #JosepPratSorolla #SamLyon #JellyGummies #BenJohnston #Boldtron #DigitalConveyor #BReel #ArtandGraft #AmberVittoria #AlexDaly #RufusDeuchler #KimPimmel #ErinKim #Pebe


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BARCELONA | The City OFFF Design

This is my trip to Barcelona. The City of the Arts with the best Design Festival in the world - OFFF Festival It is a great pleasure and pride to be part of this wonderful family. A three-day journey full of love, sharing, inspiration and creativity.