
Youtube Branding & Animation - Noqt @ Pedro Marques

Youtube Branding & Animation

Software Used

Affinity Designer

Adobe After Effects

Logo Theory

A minimalistic but modern approach to a industrial/glitch type branding design for a Youtuber. Tilted harsher altered font to give a "moving forward" feel, while altering the lines to make them have a more aggressive look.

Design Theory

Since the focus was on cars and gaming, I decided to add emphasis on harsher lines throughout the design to add emphasis to the feeling of speed and aggressiveness I was going for, while trying to focus on the main purpose of the design which was to remain minimalistic and not fill the entirety of the negative space. I used grain to add a certain type of texturing which personally, I find extremely pleasing.

Animation Process

I decided to go for a moving liquid glitch type effect, I thought it looked quite nice and you can check out a timelapse of the entire animation process on this video shared on my online alias account.

If you want to skip ahead to the final animation, go to minute 16:33


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Youtube Branding & Animation - Noqt

Youtube branding project I made during my free time, it was a relatively quick but enjoyable process while also being my first time attempting this style of digital branding. I enjoyed the final result and i'll post a couple more in the future.