
Terra Quente

Graphic Design

Terra Quente is a brand created by architect and ceramist Rita Sá Machado. The business started with her passion for plants and flowers, which then lead her to make her own vases, using one of the noblest materials that we have: the earth.

The logo’s colour composition and handwritten typography where chosen to reflect the idea of delicate artisanal work.

Project developed as a freelancer, together with the designer Tânia Pereira.

Stamp: 3D printing in ABS plastic.

The wrapping is made with recyclable and reusable materials.

Business cards are printed on recycled paper with seeds, so they can be planted.


I really liked the graphic work that Mafalda did for the logo/image of Terra Quente Ceramics.

Throughout the development of the work, she was always very attentive, organized and always constructively justified all the ideas that were emerging.

I am very pleased with the final result!

Rita Sá Machado

CEO & Ceramist of Terra Quente


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