
Pork in Outer Space! 

In 2020 I worked on a story about “Super Pig” (kind of a portuguese super hero pig) and his cat fighting a virus similar to Covid-19. 


At that time my cat was dying of cancer so in my head I kind of made him the “actor” portraying the feline in the comic. This is a comic that will always have a place in my memories. 


Here I show you several stages of the page creation: sketch, blocking shapes, values painting and final color render. 


Script was created by Mario Freitas from Kingpin Books 


Follow me here: https://www.instagram.com/gevan.artwork/

Rough Sketch

Shape Blocking

Values and Composition

Final colors








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Pork in Outer Space!

The adventures of “Super Pig” and his cat fighting a virus similar to Covid-19. Published in "Virar a Página, Portugal. Here I show you several stages of the page creation: sketch, blocking shapes, values painting and colors.