
About | Pitch for hardcover book with sleeve design. Designed to reimagine Edições Avante!’s book cover of Engels’ “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”, as it fails to bring the book’s subject to a contemporary space. The minimalist design appeases contemporary sensibilities, bringing Engels’s important work to new audiences, and it serves the book subjects and feel. The illustration on the cover represents the inside of a tree trunk, as it maps the tree’s history such as the book maps women’s history.  


Recomenda as competências de Joana Tomé

Recomenda as competências de Andreia Reisinho Costa

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Hardcover book and sleeve design | ENGELS

Pitch for a hardcover book with sleeve design, reimagining Edições Avante!’s book cover of Engels’ “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” in an effort to bring the book to a contemporary space.