
"Grande Tainada" is a portuguese expression that roughly translates into "Great Barbecue". It was an event organized by Design students, for Design students at University the Aveiro in 2013. It was the first in a now running tradition of annual barbecues between graduates and ex-graduates of this course.

The concept behind this gathering was a lo-fi, informal bring-your-own-food kind of event, so i took the same approach designing this pop-up poster. It was almost entirely made from cardboard, wood and paper leftovers from other projects.

As the first event in the series, the poster had to simultaneously explain the concept behind the meeting, as well as serve as a personal invitation. Various "beer cases" like this were scattered around the Design Department of the University, allowing everyone to take home his own detachable "beer bottle" with additional information, to work as a reminder to the Barbecue.

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